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With Dutton in the opposition Albanese doesn’t even need to try. He can practically do whatever he wants and be re-elected next time.


Maybe but that makes it even more perplexing why she would go. It’s not like she would do any actual journalism there like I said. Being told what to say rather than telling the truth isn’t really journalism.


I like NSW governments policy. Highrise depends on infrastructure and not how far it is from the CBD. But it is still not good enough.

We have 220m+ in Parramatta which is 20km from CBD and from what I understand the application for it to be higher was denied because it was too close to the airport.

Macquarie Park, Rhodes are new suburbs with 150m+ (definition for a skyscraper). Many others are getting 100m+, Olympic Park, Liverpool etc.

So it is quite spread out already. Even places very far away from Sydney like Penrith, Rouse Hill, Edmondson Park and Leppington will be zoned for high rise.

But we need to overhaul the zoning laws for the missing middle. In Sydney Bankstown to Marrickville and Revesby to Turella should all be up for 100m towers or maximum allowed due to proximity to airport.


I see this as a way for the government to earn a quick dollar and de facto get into the housing market.

When the owner buys back the share I doubt it will be calculated at the price the person bought it for. It would be at the market price at the time of the buyback.

I guess it works both ways too? I can see someone buying the minimum 2 percent and if they get something like opal or mascot towers when they sell at a loss the government is the one that loses out. So I can see it as a way to transfer the risk to the government and live in a place without having to pay rent.


Why would you even need a digital ID? My digital driver’s licence works great, accepted everywhere I go already and I’ve not carried a wallet for more than a year.

Transport card - digital Credit card - digital Loyalty cards - digital Drivers licence and all types of permits - digital Private health and Medicare - digital

Which place demands a physical copy of anything thesedays and moreover since it’s working fine why do we need another


Ok so she’s bilingual. But I still refute that she did much journalism. Sprouting propoganda and operating in a censored environment isn’t really journalism in my books. She had no editorial independence.

Edit: I think someone here put it better than me. She’s a propagandist not a journalist.


Trams can also have right of way. For example Dulwich Hill line is a tram the entire section.

However it would prove a conundrum for tfnsw, the T sign is already taken by trains.


Not in a million years.

Noone aspires to play in the A-league. Until we get a league that gives the European leagues a run for the money this statement isn’t really true.

We can’t even beat the Chinese or Saudis in getting almost retired players over because we can’t match them. And also without youth development academies it’s just not going to work. Ask China and soon to be Saudi Arabia how splashing a wad of cash is going to work without spending money on grass roots development.

We just don’t have the local talent to be able to create a competitive league, the majority of us can’t play at a high standard and the very few that do understand that they need to ply their trade overseas to be successful.

Without a successful league the rest is moot, popularity is based on club games not an once every 4 years event.


China is all aggressive because they know it’s now or never. Even before the bad news with their economy it was already a foregone conclusion beforehand.

Everyone knew their population would decline. Then their comparative advantage disappears. Their advantage is a shitload of people, even with a lower GDP per capita it’s still significant as it’s 4x the population as the next country (besides India, who are on an even lower GDP per capita right now)

Due to the sheer numbers they can use their internal market as political leverage. Disagree with them and no money for you.

There’s a few skirmishes but I think Putin has made Xi think twice. Although I do believe China can sustain quite a bit of losses if they do go to war before their advantage of many people disappears.

Firstly they have excess males so theoretically even if they lose excess soldiers it wouldn’t affect their birth rate as the issue is lack of women not men.

Might be a two eggs in one basket outlook for them, gain a bit of territory and rebalance their gender ratio.

We can only hope Putin’s war has made Xi think twice whilst we bide our time whilst their population decreases.


It’s France they’re very xenophobic. Just look at how they treat the Corsicans, Brentons, Basques and Catalans.

Night and day to even a few hundred metres across the road in Spain or Andorra.
