That’s a raw fucking line!
Intimidation (Intelligence)
Kobolds enjoy half-incomprehensible nightmarishly difficult Vehicle Builders like Armored Core and From The Depths
“Oh yeah I’ve been playing AC3 recently, so that kinda thing is gonna show up”
“What’s assassin’s creed like BTW?”
Rod of Detroit
Recreating that one scene from Shrek 2
Still the only movie to do Holding Out For a Hero justice.
Red: LOVES disaster movies, Unironically liked Moonfall, Massive Weeb
Blue: loves documentaries and sci-if. NOVA: At the Edge of Space is their favorite movie.
Green: Leverage, Andor, more character-focused shows like that.
White: The Great British Baking Show, Master Chef.
Black: Game of Thrones, The Boys, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; made them watch Velma.