Thank you! I’ve harboured notions of building out a web app for a while and been curious about the nitty gritty of server specs vs pricing for large scale projects like this (personal experience is with bare metal for a big corp and internally billed, so basically made up), this is brilliant info that’ll help ballpark performance if I ever get round to it.
I’m low key impressed how little hardware this all takes tbh, we’re apparently a top 100 instance and it’s running on what amounts to a workstation. Good plan with the overspeccing, for the price the resiliency is totally worth it!
Thank you both for running a fantastic instance.
Nice one! As I’m a saddo, it would be really interesting to see what kind of spec the hardware backing the instance is and the kind of load that gets on it, even ballpark would be good (obviously if you have time at some point and it’s not a ton of hassle!)
I’m curious about the blood tests, like how do you arrange them? I’m on some pills for something at the minute that require frequent blood tests to track and it’s onerous enough through the NHS, can only imagine the hassle of getting specific blood tests organised outside the system.