
Boisterous [he/him]

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Yesterday was Che’s birthday

Today is Xi’s birthday

Tomorrow is my mom’s birthday. She turns 70.


I would talk very openly with your partner. Tell them you have a problem, that you’ve wanted to change for a while now, and that their importance in your life is the push you need to do it. Ask them to help hold you accountable throughout, that’s your first step towards getting a community.

Depending on how much/frequently you drink I do want you to know that alcohol withdrawal can be fatal, especially if you’re a daily, heavy drinker. Familiarize yourself and your partner (assuming they agree to help) with the symptoms of withdrawal and if you start seizing or hallucinating at all that they take you for medical intervention regardless of your reservations.

Don’t write off any options before you try them, but absolutely research your options ahead of time. Medical clinics should have resources, but also if you’re in a large centre there’s likely an agnostic alternative to AA. Your partner can pick up pamphlets for you if you’re not up to it.

Good luck, and please be safe. After 1 week you’re generally in the clear. :soviet-heart:


I get the point you’re trying to make, but as always with nuanced discussions people end up in the weeds focusing on points they feel you didn’t cover well enough or flatten too much.

I think the easier comparison is to look at the differences between Norway, Alaska, and Alberta - all western states that greatly benefited from oil.

Alberta has absolutely nothing to show for it. Taxes were slashed and it’s now impossible for them to raise taxes as needed to fund necessary machinations of the state in times when oil prices are low. The Albertan government brags about 1. No debt, and 2. Cash payouts to Albertans that happened like twice. They just gave everyone $500 which is the dumbest way imaginable to deal with a budget surplus, especially when your economy relies on historically volatile commodities. Alberta is basically run by oil companies.

Alaska has a nominal, state controlled investment fund that pays yearly dividends to citizens of Alaska. It’s not that much money in the grand scheme of things and again they keep their taxes really low making it difficult to fund state programs when oil prices are low. Also in true neoliberal fashion it’s very difficult to get signed up for payments, and it’s inefficiently paid out to people. Sure it’s nice getting extra money, but the state has better bargaining power than individuals and they can make that money stretch further if they kept it to fund programs. This is very much a neoliberal state program.

Norway had labour power fight for the high taxes and very strong social safety nets they enjoy. I think that’s the best illustration of how the wealth the west enjoys could be used to actually make peoples’ lives better. How when people make their own decisions as a group they make good ones. I think these examples best show what organised labour can achieve.


War contributes too. Not as much obviously but China is famous for millions dying in wars, usually young men under 30.

Don’t start thinking you’re the next incarnation of Jesus, folks.


It’s possible. If he is marking you’ll definitely want enzyme cleaner and be careful where you leave your stuff. That’s the best advice I have unfortunately.


It’s tough. Usually cats piss on things to send a message. For mine it was that he wanted his litter box cleaned, or was really mad about something (vet visit), or occasionally very mad about not getting enough attention. Non neutered male cats will spray, and once they start there’s really nothing you can do about it. Also some are just dicks and they pee on things.

You’ll want to get some enzyme cleaners, they’re the only thing that consistently takes out the smell of cat piss. Make sure you treat whatever was pissed on as soon as possible, and then wash it well. I’d always recommend checking the litter box and see the state of it, cats prefer to bury their piss and shit to hide the smell from other predators, so if it’s an option the cat will usually take it instead.

Also I’ve got a non official rule: if a cat is pissing in dirty laundry it’s usually a litter box issue. If they’re pissing in clean laundry, it’s because they’re being a dick.


The thing with cats is their body language is unique. With dogs, humans bred them to have a body language similar to our own so it’s natural in reading them. With cats though you have to learn it, but once you do they’re easy to understand.

Also I like the varied personalities of cats. Some cats are complete cuddle bugs, some like to be in the same room as you but not touched, some are solitary except for when they come in for attention, some are so smart it’s honestly scary, and some are dumb as posts. I don’t see that same degree of variety in dog behavior. However my favourite thing about cats is how self sufficient they are. If you mistreat a cat it will up and leave and fend for itself, whereas I find dogs so completely dependent on you for everything.

But it’s also valid to not like cats, I’m a big cat lover though so I always like talking to people who don’t like cats about why I do.


My partner and I have 8 cats and 4 dogs. They fought where we were living before but now that we’ve finally moved into our own acreage they’re all getting along :cat-vibing:
