
Boisterous [he/him]

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Eco activism/ actions labeled eco terrorism. Look no further than the laws passed in West Virginia, Florida, etc that allow people to escape trial for running over a protestor who’s blocking the road. Literally these laws were passed to discourage any eco activism, because the worst crime you can commit in a Western country is inconveniencing a driver in order to try and stop the global economy from destroying the world for profit.

Also read up on the horrific things that were done to people labeled eco terrorists in the 80’s, how British police infiltrated these groups for months to gather evidence that could be used against them and/or FBI them into action (some of these police officers even began sexual relationships with women in these groups), the treatment of Wet’suwet’en land defenders and Fairy Creek protestors vs convoy protestors, the treatment of Steven Donzinger, or the long watch lists held by the RCMP and FBI that are largely eco activists.

If you’re charged with anything in relation to eco activism, you’ll receive a maximum sentence to make an example of you. The highest bar, to discourage as many as possible from gumming up the gears of global capitalism.


It’s so gross man. I’ve heard multiple people tell me they’d “never raise a child that isn’t [their] own”. Like Holy shit man, what’s your problem? It’s a fucking kid looking for a parent. Yet Q creeps spend all day online trying to “save the children”. Hypocrisy and all that, blah blah blah.


War contributes too. Not as much obviously but China is famous for millions dying in wars, usually young men under 30.

Don’t start thinking you’re the next incarnation of Jesus, folks.


Italy would be so awesome today if the CIA didn’t exist and didn’t pay the Mafia to murder Communists after WW2 (operation Gladio). There’s a lot of reactionary Italians that I met when I was there, but like everyone’s reactionaries they only go right because every world system exists to suppress leftist organization. Italian culture is very family and community oriented, it’s a perfect fit for leftist politics. As long as the disgustingly rich and the USA fuck off.


Yesterday was Che’s birthday

Today is Xi’s birthday

Tomorrow is my mom’s birthday. She turns 70.


Even in a communist or socialist world managers would still exist. Good managers serve several critical roles: liaise between non union workers and bosses, cover shifts of sick workers, direct workers who need it to ensure they’re as productive as possible.

Don’t feel guilty about being offered a promotion, and honestly if you’re still worried know that you will remain a wage slave even as a manager. The only thing that changes is your relationship to your fellow workers and your bosses. Also a good manager is a critical help to young workers, teaching them to advocate for themselves and that work isn’t the most important thing in life. That’s very valuable to the revolution.

If you also feel you’re a good fit for this position, then take it! Don’t stop advocating for your fellow workers, and work to make their lives better in a system that will otherwise crush them. Remember: from each according to his ability, to each according to his need: view this as expanding your ability to better serve your fellow workers. Congrats comrade on your opportunity, it sounds like you deserve it!


It’s made so bleak because MAID is still such an important progression. Allowing people to choose when to die is a massive slap in the face to religious extremists who think people should be kept alive no matter how much suffering they must endure. MAID objectively gives people control over an inevitable part of their life, their death.

The problem is refusing to address the wealth inequality and using MAID to kill people in a bad economic position vs a bad medical position. It sucks because I fully support MAID as a concept, but what’s happening right now is horrifying.


London is the financial centre of the entire EU (even post Brexit as far as I’m aware). That’s literally all you need to know to understand this phenomenon. No one gets addicted to cocaine like finance Bros.


Here’s the thing, philosophically this isn’t a bad thing. Getting people with severe disabilities to feel like 1. They’re useful/productive 2. More human interaction than they works lying in bed, and 3. Some money they can spend on luxuries would all be incredibly beneficial to their recovery/quality of life. So many people who become severely disabled as adults talk about feeling “useless” or a drain on those around them. From that point of view alone, this is a good thing and they should be allowed to work if they want to.

The real issue we all see is how this will be used by capitalists to exploit people with disabilities. I always wanted to see a Black Mirror episode about a person in their 20s who’s working a horrible service job, has a terrible accident and becomes severely disabled, becomes severely depressed and loses many of their friends, finds out about this program, enrolls and benefits greatly, then advocates for it to be nation wide to increase the quality of life of other people with disabilities. Then halfway through watch the system they fought for displace other workers, become increasingly predatory, have universal Medicare stop covering their treatment as they’re now expected to work and earn money, and have them return back to a sad life of exploitation, except now they’re still horribly disabled. It would be so potent, but now that Netflix owns Black Mirror I doubt we’ll ever see that episode.


Those are serious accusations they’re leveling, straight up accusing billionaires of fraud. They must be very confident in the evidence they have.

I hope they’re right. They worked hard to deliver an absolute gem of a game and I’d love to see where they go with it next. Fuck the :capitalist-woke: , I really hope they lose this.
