“China bad, america good” -media companies
Fuck your freedom units. I’ll stick to sane units of measurement thank you.
Water is wet, more news at 11.
Poorly, I left for a reason.
If Australia ever ends up in a war on our shores you best believe I’m headed to the outback with my tent. Fuck war, it always ends up with people sitting down to a table to TALK, assuming not everyone dies. That’s where these conflicts should all start and end, around the table discussing ways to compromise.
Couldn’t give a fuck, there’s already far too much bad blood regarding any form of AI for me.
It’s been shoved in my face, phone and computer for some time now. The best AI is one that doesn’t exist. AGI can suck my left nut too, don’t fuckin care.
Give me livable wages or give me death, I care not for anything else at this point.
Edit: I care far more about this for privacy reasons than the benefits provided via the tech.
The fact these models reached “production ready” status so quickly is beyond concerning, I suspect the companies are hoping to harvest as much usable data as possible before being regulated into (best case) oblivion. It really no longer seems that I can learn my way out of this, as I’ve been doing since the beginning, as the technology is advancing too quickly for users, let alone regulators to keep it in check.
Yes, I agree, I am at stage 3 and stage 4 looks more enticing every single damn day.