ComradeVark [he/him]
Vark as in aardvark. idk.
I’ve tried a few different scripts and manual installation, and imo the best solution for modding is to use mo2 through steamtinkerlaunch
La Haine, Paris is Burning, Black Panthers (1968) (could be a bit much?). Harlan County, USA and Matewan both have elements on including african americans in the unions.
Taking off the boots before he starts running is an elite move. I remember thinking right then those other guys are done for
going to the wikipedia of a random fortune 500 company is always like “The Yarn Company was founded in 1906 in Skipdo, Massachusetts as a manufacturer of childrens school uniforms. Today, they are the world’s largest maker of anti-vehicle mines with an annual gross of $3.2 billion”
It’s possible you could find and buy the same one. Don’t they export a lot of clothing through China? I suppose it could imported, in which case it’s still possible.
As you’ve mentioned in your nitpicks, I HIGHLY recommend advanced users learn to use Nix for packages unavailable in their distro’s repos. I have foundational libs and apps from my distro’s packages, any proprietary or electron garbage in flatpak (although I use native steam and jetbrains toolbox, bc they work better for me that way), and anything else is through nix-env or nix-shell. There is SO MUCH available through the Nix repos and the tooling is incredible.
I audibly gasped when I first found out how old most of the libraries are in the discord client. they were updated in canary for better wayland support like 6 months ago and I’ve heard nothing since. With steam dropping 32bit support hopefully those of us with native steam can offload those libraries soonTM