ComradeVark [he/him]
Vark as in aardvark. idk.
As others have said, you’re not the first to feel this way. I logged on yesterday for the first time in several months after thinking the same and I was pleasantly surprised at the level of activity. I’ve had mixed feelings about federation but feel like it paid off, though I mostly keep my feed to ‘local’. Hell, 2024 might even be the year I finally make a post.
It’s possible you could find and buy the same one. Don’t they export a lot of clothing through China? I suppose it could imported, in which case it’s still possible.
This is because Minecraft is a reactionary game. When Lenin wrote about those ‘blockheads’ he was talking about Steve.
The worst thing about it? The world’s most annoying people are going to be excited about it.
after the revolution our first act must be to make lego more affordable
I am eating a girled cheese
going to the wikipedia of a random fortune 500 company is always like “The Yarn Company was founded in 1906 in Skipdo, Massachusetts as a manufacturer of childrens school uniforms. Today, they are the world’s largest maker of anti-vehicle mines with an annual gross of $3.2 billion”
So can I train them to do cool tricks or what