Concured [she/her]
The End of Optimism and the Last Jam
… gel off themselves—containing 1080 poison, or sodium fluoroacetate—poisoning themselves in the process.
The NewZealandification of other countries pest-extermination bio-security strategies begins.
What if they decided to not tell anyone cause they thought stretching it out would make for good television.
Don’t Argentina’s claims basically come from it being part of the same Spanish colony? Cause idk that doesn’t sound very de-colonialist to me.
but like, on serious note, this is probably just China doing the whole ‘East Turkestan is a real country’ shit but in reverse.
$5 says they had a very heated meeting early on over whether to just straight up name it the Titanic or not.
putting the bag I intend to bag my groceries into, onto the bagging area: UNDECLARED ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA
the word ‘Biological’ has really fully taken on the same meaning/usage as something like ‘Judeo-Christian’ in these things hasn’t it.