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Authoritarian is a non-starter for me on account of the fact that it doesn’t actually mean anything.

You’re wrong. Words have meanings.

authoritarian /ə-thôr″ĭ-târ′ē-ən, ə-thŏr″-, ô-/

adjective Characterized by or favoring absolute obedience to authority, as against individual freedom. “an authoritarian regime.” Tending to tell other people what to do in a peremptory or arrogant manner. synonym: dictatorial. Similar: dictatorial Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; – of governments or rulers. “an authoritarian regime” Similar: autocraticdictatorialdespotictyrannical Expecting unquestioning obedience: “he was imperious and dictatorial”; “the timid child of authoritarian parents”; “insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter” Similar: dictatorialoverbearing Of, or relating to, absolute obedience to an authority. Characterised by a tyrannical obedience to an authority; dictatorial. noun One who supports the principle of authority, as opposed to that of individual freedom. Behaves like a tyrant. Similar: dictator The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

Is it the opposite of democracy?


what would your revolution look like?

If we’re talking about the United States, non-violent, presumably brought about by collective action and enforcing laws regarding protections to citizens, labor unions, the environment, etc. that are already on the books.

Look, I’m assuming you’re a true-believer tankie; clearly, I’m not and never will be.

Let’s not waste each other’s time, anymore. I gotta walk my dogs, smoke a spliff and rub my wife’s back when she gets home, and you gotta do whatever it is you do.

Good luck with the revolution. 👍🏽


Maybe. I don’t know. I hope not.

But history has a pretty clear record about what the authoritarian left does right after they “win”, and it’s not the “egalitarian equitable utopia” they claim they’ll usher in.


vIoLeNt ReVoLuTiOn, oBvIoUsLy. 🫵🏽🤡


No, I didn’t. Authoritarian ball-garglers everywhere these days, I guess.


Wait… Ukraine?

Where they not invaded first? How are they fascists? Downvote me first but how is former-comedian-Jon-Stewart-of-Ukraine a fascist, but Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Kim Jong-Un, and every other I’m-the-leader-forever dude not?

Garbage-ass post.

Edit: Ooooooooooh, this is lemmygrad. LMAO 🤣

Bitch-made tankie invertebrate shit-heels can’t throw their Molotov sippy-cups the 2 meters it takes to socially distance, let alone make a coherent post.

Y’all mad? Whatcha’ll gonna do? Burn your Zangief tighty-whities in protest? Bakhmut was totally worth it btw BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMFAO

Kick rocks and catch some drone grenades, you totally cool people.


If the violent revolution against the current brand of authoritarians in power is led, co-opted, or hijacked by the authoritarian left, the proponents of democracy, equity, and liberty will be executed very quickly after, as history has shown time and again.

So, no, the extortionist capitalists won’t go away quietly, but I don’t trust the tankies to bring about some utopia after they execute the “class-traitors and class-enemies”.


It may take a violent revolution, but I don’t trust any tankie to bring about a utopia after the dust settles once all the fascists and corporatists get their due. They’re just another flavor of authoritarian statists.

The rulership of the revolutionary party forever is all they’re interested in. Seizing the means of production “for the party”, never really for the proletariat, who they will happily execute once their usefulness has been served. As history has shown time and again.

Sorry your so butt hurt by sarcasm and “posturing”, but I’m old enough to spot wannabe populist dictators and their ball-garglers easily. They get nothing but contempt, ridicule, or fists, knives, and bullets when they get really grabby.

They can all kick rocks, barefoot.🖕🏽


No, you’re utterly wrong about what my beliefs are.

I believe in mutualism, in voluntarily exchange of ideas, labor, and value, all collectively bargained.

I believe in democracy, in secular federal republics, and forthright debate about the value of human life and who gets to make decisions about that concept and it’s implications, where words have actual meaning, balance is considered a virtue, and an individual can still have rights and protections from other individuals, collectives, and the state while being subject to the will of a popular vote.

I will never tolerate those who presume to speak for or demand my family, my friend’s, my colleagues’, or my labor, sacrifice, skill, and knowledge at the point of a gun or a knife.

Fellate yourself over your dreams of becoming the pEoPLe’s ChAmPiOn of ThE rEvoLuTiOn on your own time, not mine.


Lemmy is great if you can ignore all the tankies circle-jerking and fellating each other.


Extreme leftists, A.K.A. “tankies” (i.e., apologists for Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the CCP, the DPRK, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Xi Jingping, etc.), are threats to a free, egalitarian, and open society, are just as violently authoritarian as their religious, corporatist, and fascist counterparts, and should be treated with the contempt, distrust, and ridicule they deserve.

They claim to speak and fight for the proletariat, promising a new utopia, never before seen, once their revolution executes the last “class-traitor”. In practice, once they’re finished with “seizing the means of production”, they’ll never relinquish control and become the new ruling class.

They’ll assume the mantle of an enlightened elite post-revolutionary administration to guide the proletariat to their promised utopia of “each according to their need, each according to their ability”. In practice, they’ll “need the most, because they’re obviously the most able” in reorganizing the economic and political structure of society. The utopia of the “dictatorship of the proletariat” will never exist, only the dictatorship of the “revolutionary party”. Repression and execution await those who question their claims and decisions. The former champions of labor will become champions of death.

They’re akin to the pigs in Animal Farm, the loudest voices in the revolution, but a bit “more equal” than everyone else after the farmer is done away with. Fortunately, the pigs, like the farmer, got their comeuppance in the end of the story.

Your liberty and self-determination are beset by many threats: the religious, the nihilists, the corporatists, the fascists, and the supposed collectivists. They all claim to be the true authoritative “voice of the people”.

Beware of their cults. Your life is worth more than their “cause” and/or “solution”. Understand what they really are; power over everything, forever, is what they seek. They want you either as a willing pawn or dead, just like all the other presumably benevolent dictators throughout history. Arm yourself with knowledge and clarity in perception. Train your mind and body. Fight and deny the peddlers of arbitrary authoritarianism as if your life depends on it - because it does.

E: Lots of butt-hurt invertebrate Molotov-sippy-cup-throwing wannabe-dictator tankie shit-heels out there, all tryna start the revolution tomorrow. Good luck, comrades.🖕🏽
