DialecticalWeed [he/him]
Don’t feel bad about your body issues
You and I both know that can’t happen as long as body shaming men is totally socially acceptable. Like you said you deal with this just in a different way, so I know I don’t have to explain that to you.
But since the sentiment is out there, it’s not like people will stop making the jokes anytime soon.
I know, but still hearing it all the time does affect me. Im sure it affects other men too, but you can’t even say anything about it because then you out yourself. I’m taking one for the team though here.
For what it’s worth, “SDE” is primarily a descriptor of attitude.
I don’t think you meant it this way, but I feel gaslit every time someone says this. Even if its about “attitude” the central concept of the joke is small dick = bad and shameful, big dick = good and worthy of pride.
Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
You didn’t, I just had to say something after seeing the OP interaction everywhere yesterday, and I felt that people on this site would be more cognizant than others.
Not really, because I am one of those people. How am I supposed to feel when the entire internet is clowning on a guy for “small dick energy”? He’s a total and complete asshole no doubt, but I’m nothing like him and I’m left feeling worse about myself than he probably does.
Get it? Small dick = bad and body shaming men is fine.
Anyone know where I can get a Project+ or PM iso? I’d love to throw it on my modded Wii but I don’t have a Brawl disk.