It’s fine for the most part. Just keyboard shortcuts won’t work in default and theming is slightly difficult. You have add extensions to gnome to increase functionality.
Went with Arch and Fedora simply for the parallel downloading. I tried xbps , the only turn off for me was the fact that feature was missing otherwise void is best to stick with.
In panel settings , switch off the automatic size for icons that would fix it for you.
Some which I can think out of my head are : Joplin Trillium Logseq Notion Obsidian Anytype
If you need to draw, I would look into notion and obsidian.
It looks sooooo good.
Icon theme : Papirus Theme: Catppuccin Macchiato Cursor: Catppuccin Dark
As you can see I enjoy the catppuccin colorscheme for its variety.
Well there is clipgrab if you want a GUI downloader.
Mods please remove this.
git not installed in ubuntu based distro was the shock for me.