I think with a self-hosted mastodon instance, the main downside is poorer discovery across the fediverse as a whole.
When you scale up to the thousands of users something like has, it’s not really an issue because other users have already established connections between instances by following or replying… but if your instance only has a single user, you only see and share posts with the instances you’ve directly interacted with, and it can be really isolating. You have to already know what external accounts you want to follow, because your instance is initially blind to them.
I feel like more instance connections leads to way larger amounts of data consumption too. I follow 120, and am followed by 12… my instance is currently using 24.1 GB for Media Storage.
What day of the week do you think it’ll land on?
Maybe it’s just RoH getting a sneaky televised Thursday slot, instead of HonorClub?
Yeah, it kinda suits all three promotions to just take the big bag of cash, doesn’t it?
WWE has always wanted a solid presence in Japan, and TNA would probably just be fun for them to burn to the ground, because they could already have their pick of anyone on that roster if they wanted.
Four tiers of developmental sounds like a very WWE thing to do, too. (OVW > TNA > NXT > WWE)
So could that mean TNA, NOAH and Marigold possibly agreed to deals with a similar caveat attached?
Is the audio borked on this, or is it just me?
KK is really going for a solid “how shite can I become?” speedrun attempt.
I’d be totally on board if they did something like Lucha Underground did and had live bands perform as intermission, or if BABYMETAL were going to do a special entrance theme for someone.
I think it sucks mainly because they’re hyping up the fact they’ll be playing a BABYMETAL mp3 during PPV promo spots, like its going to make a huge difference to the event or something lmao
“official PPV theme song” is such a nonsense corporate idea.