EugeneVDabs [he/him]
What is the point of this? There’s no actual revolutionary group in america so are we supposed to individually fight for revolution like it’s a video game or something?
Damn she really is the darkest motherfucker I’ve ever seen in american politics and somehow she’s so bad at acting real. Its impressive how bad she is honestly
Homeboy has less than 100 followers. Who is this nobody and why do we care about what they tweet?
Sounds like china is doing their own version of the Native boarding schools, I mean Uighurs coming out of these detention centers all talk about how they are forced to lose their culture and religion in these places. That would make it a cultural genocide especially since china admits they just snatch up people for the crime of being Uighur and nothing more
Do whatever you want man, buying a video game or not is really not that big of a deal