Sounds like they want you to buy 2
Incineration? In ten years, we’ll wonder why part of the moon is just missing.
I could see this being a good temporary backup plan, though.
Apparently, they really didn’t
The only wild ones left are of a small population in South China and when compared to fossils from Jurassic, it hasn’t changed that much.
Although, I admit I dont know how reliable this good news network is, but, it says any variance we see today is due to [human intervention, as we pretty much saved them from extinction.
Supposedly, met the son of a higher up in Armani, in college. He told us about how their jeans cost something like $2.50 (in the early 2000s) to make in an exploited factory in Bangladesh, and how everyone who would buy their jeans for $100 (or more) a pop was an idiot. They were making out like bandits and paying their workers next to nothing.
I was in college before I saw one. I grew up with giant 8" long centipedes, but this guy freaked me out more than I can say. Couldn’t even tell it was a centipede. Might as well have been an alien.
Freaky motherfookers
Pretty sure Ted Bundy had a long time girlfriend. Didn’t she turn him in?
BTK was married and cub scout leader and president of his church.
The Golden State killer was married.
John Wayne Gacy had a wife for a bit. He was definitely murdering during his marrage. The wife couldn’t figure out the stench from the crawlspace.
Canadian serial killer Russel Williams was a colonel in the army and married.
5 out of how many? Ok, maybe op has a point.
I hate to admit I saw this on r/conspiracy. Maybe there’s a link in there.
Idk, maybe they get all the analytics, like someone else mentioned.
I just know there are “ads” on government websites I’ve seen that don’t necessarily follow the traditional concept of what we’ve come to know as advertisements, but are adverstments none the less. How they’re set up, and what function they serve beyond directing people to a different place, is beyond me.
Maybe I should have phrased it differently… Adverstments aren’t always from sketchy companies stealing your info, sometimes they’re from sketchy governments too…
Maybe they’re ads for their own government services? Technically, an adverstment doesn’t have to just be for skeezy companies trying to steal your info or money.
Like your on the drivers license pages and you see a space on the side that “advertises” getting your license renewed. It’s more flashy and draws attention more than just a link to help people find what they’re looking for easier.
Not in the UK, but my official city page has 3 advertments prior to getting to the body of the page (which is the offical link tree). One for reporting a concern, one for the recreation department, and a rotating one for more receration stuff and the transparency department.
Well, at least you were wanted.
I’m pretty sure they called my cell all week during work hours. Place had horrible reception so if the call came through at all, i couldnt answer cause well, im at work.
But nobody ever left a message so shrug