A relay switch could work. You would put the car 12V and ground across the coil connections, the 12V on the NO connection, the panel on the NC connection, and the power pack on the C connection. Make sure you get a 12VDC relay.
Are you going to have the panel installed permanently on your car?
Definitely don’t connect a 24V source directly to your cars 12V system. There’s a good chance of frying something important. A fuse would not protect from overvoltage so don’t rely on those to protect components.
Harvard is a $50 Billion endowment fund that happens to run a school. So Harvard divesting from Israel affiliated investments is potentially significant.
The speed of sound in seawater is around 1500m/s or 5400 km/hr. Something tells me they won’t actually be going supersonic.
The article shouldn’t be referencing the speed of sound without specifying the medium for the sound waves and conditions such as temperature for water or temperature and pressure for air.
Hold an in class quiz with essentially the same problem but with different values. The students that actually worked through the problem should be able to do it again with the changes. Those who didn’t understand and just put down what their peers got will struggle with a quiz. Bonus points if you can restructure the problem in a way to elucidate which specific aspects you think the students were skipping over with help from their peers. Feel free to have specific requirements assigned point values in the problem statement.
Don’t call them into your office and put them on the spot. That will make this adversarial. Your job is to teach them how to solve problems and communicate their methods in a clear fashion. You should reevaluate your problem writing and grading policies if just looking up answers can earn a passing grade. If you give a quiz, be up front with them that you have concerns about some students skipping the work and copying answers. Reiterate that the point of the exam was to make sure they can solve problems, the correct answer is merely a byproduct.
I will add speculation that there is a difference between what your students think you expect from an answer and what your expectations actually are. Mismatches in expectations are immensely frustrating for both parties. So don’t leave your students guessing. Give them specific examples of work of different quality and what aspects earn full points and what things might lead to point deductions. Some of the best professors I had would publish all the prior year exams with their solutions. That gave everyone the opportunity to mimic the workflow and match the level of detail expected. That also elliminates the concern of students finding the answers online or from prior year students for exams as the teacher will have had to avoid reused questions entirely.
The results page the article is referencing is shorter to read.
Did they take that toothbrush to a belt sander?
Does anyone know what that grabber device is? I like to use grabbers to pick up chestnuts, but the ones I have are pretty flimsy. This thing looks like a beast in comparison.