Surely it’ll be powered by wood and have wooden circuitry and it’ll be super efficient to launch because they’ve figured out how to harness the power of wood popping as it burns. I can’t wait to see the wooden solar panels. Good thing there’s so much oxygen in space. This stuff doesn’t usually make it to the surface on reentry anyway, right?
I wonder if this is a real article. I don’t want to read it, but I wonder.
? I see Ohio in all of the maps.
pretty sure youre in No Mans Sky and you need to go up there and dial up your portal endpoint
theeee url has the state but not the title?
You may find such things in similar contexts, though I would believe that an ad service willing to serve either would hammer you faster for malicious payloads than confusing download advertisement misdirects.
I should probably read the article. If the title isn’t misleading, it is possible to use google referral urls as a masking service and pay for visibility on the link :/