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This is my last reply since I would need to flip my phone to hit the button and that’s way too much effort but this seems to have run it’s course anyways.

I’m pretty sure the liberal position would be that all violent protests are bad, no matter what. That’s why I was asking if that was your position so I could see if you were the rare lib that supports Russia’s war.

Also I don’t think a coup is when people drive a wannabe dictator out if their country though English isn’t my first language. And even if it is I absolutely support people exercising their right to protest and remove a leader trying to dismantle a democracy. I’m not sure what mental gymnastics you are trying to do to equate that to Jan 6th in the US but it makes you sound like a lib.


OK then I’m going to stay with my point that the laws passed that triggered the Euromaidan were very protestable and January 6th in the US was a bunch of crazies that fell for propaganda due to poor US education. Also that protests are a good way to get rid of a wannabe dictator.


What I was saying is that no, 5 billion wasn’t given to some shadowy group in Ukraine to do a coup, it was the standard foreign aid the US throws around to advance it’s interests.

Also yes, politicians go around shaking hands all over the place. I though you meant they went to Ukraine to specifically support Euromaidan before it happened but any politician supporting that visited after.

Ultimately the laws that triggered the protests were very protestable. If Kaia Kallas tried to pass those here I would be taking up a pitchfork and torch right now. There is no evidence to suggest it was some group paid by the US but plenty to suggest people protested because their leader was screwing them over.


I have seen both clips. The 5 billion was over like 30 years as foreign aid which is like pretty common for the US, there are like 50 other countries that also receive aid like this. And the other one I know is when Nuland ‘selected’ their next leader who was the leader of the opposition who would have been in power anyways.

All those politicians showed up after it happeded as I said.

You can also verify the laws Yanukovych was trying to pass. They pretty obviously are meant to turn him into the dictator of Ukraine. I would protest that.

  1. It had some nazies prior to about 2020. Not even close to the amount of nazies Russia has though so that’s a meaningless point.
  2. The countries joining NATO are joining because Russia keeps threatening them. If Russia just wanted a neutral zone they should really stop invading their neighbours. Georgia and Ukraine got invaded and Russia is doing a proxy war in Moldova as well so it seems the only thing causing NATO advancement is Russia.
  3. Except they also demanded demilitirization. So no allies or self defence.
  4. One if the points of that agreement to even take effect was that Russia removed their troops from the regions which they never did.
  5. They may now, depending on how the war goes.

No idea what these points are other than just lies. Russia has never had complete air superiority and definitely doesn’t now. Russia is targeting civilians constantly, like the largest mass graves in recent history were found in territories takes back from Russia. As for the equipment and manpower: Like Russia is rolling out museum pieces as tanks I have no idea where you are getting this info from. They do have more manpower since they are conscripting like everyone.

None of that was in reference to NATO encirclement. As in it was already encircled 15 years ago and Ukraine wasn’t joining NATO.

The political leadership Nuland ‘selected’ was the leader of the opposition party that was going to be in power anyways. That’s like some foreign politician saying they really like the reform party in Estonia to win after they already got the most votes.

Can’t find any ethnic cleansing done in Ukraine outside the Tatars by the Soviet union.

I’m guessing you mostly watch Russian state media since absolutely no one else thinks Russia could just take Ukraine if they wanted at this point. I’d suggest going to some other sources.

  1. No they didn’t. Their president made a play to become a dictator and failed. Any support for euromaidan outside Ukraine happened after.
  2. Maybe Germany but no earthly force can stop support from the baltics and Poland that hate Russia with a passion due to their bloody rule during the soviet occupation and current antagonism from Russia.
  3. They can’t send enough arms that Ukraine can use. More modern stuff requires training Ukraine doesn’t have and most places aren’t producing old equipment so what’s sent is stuff is stockpile. More training is being done to modernize the equipment but that takes time. Also Poland just wants to produce the ammo, not everything and it was just one example.

Not in the US as I never been there. Also was Biden becoming the dictator of the US? Like if he was declaring protests illegal, giving cops legal rights to kill anyone who does protest and basically make himself the supreme ruler of the US then yea it would be justified.


So people in their country should never fight if their leader is working to surpress their rights and become a dictator. They just have to wait for elections that will never be fair again if they even happen. Also he did react to it by fleeing, Putin is not the leader of Ukraine, he has no business reacting to anything.

Putin did march his nazies into Ukraine after that if that’s what you mean.
