I’m told that’s Bigfoot with a hat on.
So… what’s up with the big bad ship of destruction? Any thoughts?
loss prevention officer = someone that works in the security department. what’s the question?
" … delinquents, pirates, slave traders." (DSC s1e15, although the same perception about Orions is held throughout Star Trek).
It seems that Orion culture internally looks down on those who want to be in the sciences, but it’s Tendi’s grandmother that shows the galaxy that they are not all just pirates. Some several years after DSC S1, in SNW S2.
In terms of our current computers, you’re probably looking at something like yottabytes … but they don’t seem to store things in bytes at this point, as others say, quads. Which could mean that they’ve knocked the basic storage unit size from ‘byte’ to ‘4 bytes’ … A current 64-bit system can address 16 exabytes of memory, but if you were to knock that upward by an exponent of 4, you could address 65k exabytes, or 0.06 yottabytes.
That’s if we’re talking about memory capacities. Warm storage capability / use tends to be significantly larger than memory use, so I’d hazard a guess that the total storage capacity of a starship’s computers might be in the area of a few yottabytes.
This is assuming that “quad” is used because more space was required for memory architecture, and rather than upgrade to 128-bit or 256-bit computers, necessitating a huge amount of code refactoring, they just increased the minimum storage length. Of course, that would also realistically require a huge amount of code refactoring, but we’re all just making stuff up here, right? :D
I love all Star Trek.