Gamer_time [he/him]
Headset, on. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Knuckles, cracked. Yep… its gamer time
Negative 2C here and a significant layer of snow. Fun fact: Autumn usually lasts into November
Yeah, its called the South Sea Bubble
On Firefox, right-clicking a link in the search bar will have the option “Copy without site tracking”, selecting it will auto-remove the trackers in the url
MY BODY IS A MACHINE THAT TURNS vital nutrients and water
INTO a neverending torrent of snot and mucus
If birds were a secret government conspiracy, would that then make them… featheral agents?
The tyrannical deteriorating monarchy of the “United” Kingdom issues draconian sentences to brave protestors who, through strict regime surveillance, were prevented from even planning disruptive actions.
Project Zomboid, or, Weight Management in a Kentuckian Apocalypse: Body and Backpack