A buddhist vegan goth with questionable humour.
Germany imported Electric from France during summer 2023, due to lower energy costs in neighboring countrys and high Co2 certificate prices.
In total, Germany has been a net Exporter for Energy in 2023.
And while Germany has been an importer from France in general, this switched in 2022 when France nuclear reactors had to be shut down due to a record warm summer, showing how nuclear is not fit to withhold the stresses of the climate crisis upon us.
As too your other statement I’d like to ask for a source. I found nothing pointing towards this.
Yes, let’s reverse that and and make ourself dependent from Russia again…
Also, coal production has been doing nothing than falling since we made the switch. Renewables have been the major energy source 2023, for the first time, and are only prosepected to grow, while Germany is transitioning away from coal. One of the main reasons for the increase in coal in 2022 were the outages of frech nuclear plants…
After coal-fired power plants in Germany ramped up their production in 2022 due to outages of French nuclear power plants and distortions in the electricity market caused by the war in Ukraine, their share in electricity production fell significantly in 2023. Due to the drop in exports of coal-fired power and this years favorable wind conditions, electricity generation from coal-fired power plants in November 2023 was 27% below the generation in November 2022.
You can look at the graphs here to see how coal is already back to where it was pre-shutdown.
And as can be seen here, Germany has been able to cover their baseload only with renewables more and more. This is expected to increase, as renewables are growing and battery technology advances.
It has a summary in plain language after the very technical abstract.
If you are just looking for an article instead of a study it’s easy enoth to come up with plenty of them if you Google for it.
Eventually, the funding provided by Seoul National University allowed us to initiate our collaborative research and complete it with some additional funding. Finally, after facing multiple refusals from the Editorial Boards of 11 journals, each denying approval for a standard peer-review process of the paper, we finally found a journal that allowed our results to be peer-reviewed, which led to its publication," adds Piotr Jablonski.
Could someone with as scientific background please explain to me as a layperson, why papers would refuse to peer review a study (or this study specifically)?
Location: Germany
The right wing is gaining here, as it is in all. Of Europe (and very obviously in the US) and it terrifies me.
Migration has been the skape goat for so much lately and most parties are blaming Imigrants and are moving towards right wing positions (France for example just got a law trough that has been called the “most restrictive Migration law in 40 years”.
I, as a rather progressiv left leaning person, am in fear that my political stance will be a problem in the future. I am very much pro climate action, pro feminism, pro LFBTQI+, pro Refugees, etc.
And I fear that such positions will be problematic in the future to come. We are expecting children (unplanned), and I am in terror thinking about the world they will grow up in.
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