A buddhist vegan goth with questionable humour.
I bought a hangdrum some years ago and while I do love it it came in a case lined with wool and a (possibly fake) leather ring to cover the joining of the two parts.
Nothing of was disclosed anywhere before hand if course. And to be honest I just didn’t think of asking before hand. It’s a huge metal bowl after all…
I found this to be a good video on the topic.
It breaks down how LNG was labeled a “transitional technology” under Obama and has taken over the energy market, with plans to still expand it in a massive way, thereby taking away money and resources that could be used for renewable energy sources.
They don’t sound like it is the best choice, just the best avaible one.
TLDR: They had the dataset lying around from previous (unrelated) research and can’t get new data because Facebook removed API access after the Cambridge Analytical Scandal.
"This corpus comprises Facebook pages and, within them, views representing different positions towards Brexit, with some being in favour and others against [10]. It was compiled as part of previous research [10, 11], but ethical approval for new analyses was sought and obtained in 2022 from the University of Edinburgh. We chose to analyse our existing dataset for two reasons. First, examining social media data about Brexit, a high-profile event that has been intensely studied, offers significant opportunities for comparing our findings to existing work whilst contributing to ongoing scholarship on public discourse about political phenomena. Second, in the UK and in many other countries, institutional ethics policies require researchers to acquire data in compliance with platforms’ Terms of Service (ToS) agreements. Like other major platforms including X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and TikTok, Facebook’s ToS state that data must be extracted using its application programming interface (API). Yet following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook closed its public API, making it challenging to acquire additional data from the platform. "
Quoted from part 2.1 Materials
When AI would have been the better choice.
If anybody is interested in getting an idea how this would look like I can recommend “The Hierachies” by Ros Anderson. It’s written from the perspective of a sex droid.
Edit: I just reliezed this thread is so old it is a toddler by now. No idea why this would be in my hot recommendations (besides it thematically fitting the term).
You can cook em in hot water to losen the hair. It’s called scalding. L
Well I guess this explains the whole best or random man on the woods thing.