I don’t remember all of the details, but I thought it was essentially the water’s surface tension that foots the energy bill when climbing a paper towel or a capillary in a tree.
The surface of fluids like water are unhappy. Molecules on the surface would much rather be deep in the fluid because on the surface they have “dangling” Van der Waals & polar bonds to one side. You can calculate the potential energy of the surface due to all of those dangling weak bonds, & that’s the energy that is used to climb a capillary (the energy isn’t free).
I could be misremembering though, I admit. School was many years ago…
Russia is sanctioned for invading Ukraine.
“Minetest” was a clunky name. Wish they’d have changed the name sooner.
Read Walden by Thoreau
Lol!!! No, no, no!! My centrism is not arbitrary!! I don’t try to find a “middle ground” where waterfalls go both ways!!! Love the visual though!
I align with the political right on some issues, and the left with others. And in American politics I find the rhetoric & tribalism of both political parties ridiculous - so I can’t identify with either.
Generally I lean left of center, but I can’t go “full left” because I think the left has some blind spots. And liberals do this annoying thing where they seem to be always be falling all over themselves to prove how self-righteous & progressive they are, & they wind up alienating left-leaning people like me as a result.
There’s no room for centrists on the internet. I seem to only find centrists in real life, face-to-face. I guess we aren’t loud but we’re here.
(Now here come the downvotes…)
What I do:
- Rarely give out my email (I use aliases everywhere)
- Don’t attempt to sort incoming email (it’s a fool’s errand)
- Email search is my friend
The result is a cluttered inbox, sure, and that’s not “minimal”. But it does minimize the impact on my psychology. I don’t need another chore, and email sorting is an infinite chore.