Improve education for girls worldwide. A very strong link has been established by numerous studies.
Leaving aside points about driving licence numbers being unique or whatever, it would be the silver pentagram that I made back in the '90s and have worn (or occasionally carry in my wallet etc, when the cord breaks) ever since.
Recently went to a screening of the 1922 Nosferatu with a live accompanist creating an improvised soundtrack on violin, piano and waterphone - which was not an instrument that I had not encountered before, but evidently features in the score of The Matrix, Aliens and a range of other films. I can certainly see why - it was extremely atmospheric. I had seen Nosferatu a couple of times before - as well as the 1979 Herzog version, and Shadow of the Vampire (2000) - but this definitely added something new.
The tories have been incumbent for 116 years in my neck of the woods (the previous one was a whig). The surveys say that is likely to end this time. I am sooo looking forward to that.
At the point where you and the AI can see someone straightening their tie in a certain way and you and the AI can exchange a single wordless glance and you both burst out laughing 'cos it was just like that thing that you both saw 6 months ago and found hilarious then - then maybe.
Not before.
Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas Hofstadter.
That implies that the others have got complete maps - which I find much more surprising. Every time that I have had any dealings with any utility companies - which I do as part of my job - it becomes apparent very early on that they don’t have anything like accurate maps in whatever area I am looking at. And not just for old lines that they inherited - as seems to be the issue here - but for things like fibre optics that I saw them lay myself just 18 months earlier.
There are two of us. There will usually be either 1 or 2 bags from the 25ltr (I think) kitchen bin in the black bin when i put it out each fortnight. They aren’t really ‘full’ full, normally though - it is more a question of getting anything smelly out of the kitchen. If I have been around and emptied the other wastepaper baskets, which I proably do once a month or so, then there will be 2, certainly - most of the bulk will be snotty tissues though.
We usually cook from scratch and compost and recycle a lot though.
I use Rainy Days for the radar, and - since I’m in the UK - the Met Office weather app, which has a Next Rain widget.