Ah, donc ils veulent q’on le voit comme une table avec une bulle de dialogue…très sus.
Jumping spiders are the tigers of the mm scale. They jump and pounce, they stare at you and stalk their prey, they carefully plan their attack from a strategic vantage point, they are cute, furry and pettable…so long as you are at least twice as large.
hmm…how many million years until we have proper flying fish? Maybe it’s slower than land-air and land-water because the sky doesn’t have as much food?
Gotta snap up those gov contracts before the AI hype bubble explodes.
Blade runner. Much better than “Do androids dream of electric sheep?” but it is only loosely based off it.
PS: when reading a book after watching a film, it usually feels like the book is much better, fills in details, separates scenes which a film had mixed together or altogether done away with. E.g. The Shining, LotR, Dune…but for Androids I just felt “what, that’s it?”
“Those mexicans…they crazy!!”