Hawke [he/him]
Kind of, but it’s more about management. Cybernetics is about autonomy and reacting to things on the fly. It’s about the constant flow of information and feedback. Like you set some goals to the factories you manage, they manage their thing autonomously and just send daily or weekly key numbers so that central command can see if there’s a problem and help adjust goals or involve additional resources quickly.
Computers are important but for example in Chile they used cybernetic principles to manage the economy successfully and at most they had something like fax machines.
Why thank you, I just had an English breakfast
The haunted house from humanz would go better with the joke
Considering the skewed perception of average usians, she could be just a radlib
Lions led by donkeys, an explicitly leftist military history podcast. Seconding Revolutions, listen to his Russian Revolution series, very good. Starts from Marx and Engels 1840s and is ending right now with Stalin collectivization in 1930s, a hundred episodes, like 90% great episodes.
Mars for the Rich
Socialism or barbarism.
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops. Stephen Jay Gould
Poor countries aren’t underdeveloped, they are overexploited. Parenti.