If you are not prepared to arm up and defend yourselves it will never get any better, and calling everyone who tells you that “gun nuts” and “ammosexuals” is not gonna inspire anyone to defend you. Begging is not going to work; violence is the only reasonable response.
Batman’s psychosis is continuing to believe in a clearly corrupted system that fails repeatedly. Red Hood was right.
When I was in AA I learned the maxim “I can be right or I can be well” and it neutralized about 80% of the people and things that pissed me off. Another 15% has been reduced to a nuisance that I say “fuck off!” to, and the remaining 5% are inanimate objects which I respond to rather violently.
Israel is a desert. What would they know about any of this??
I leapt 6000 miles out of the South where I had spent my who life and, yeah. Holy shit. We were NOT subjected to normalcy in our lives.
Leaving is terrifying, or at least for the first three years. I will never set foot back in that shithole again for the rest of my lifw
Hey they have free speech rights and are free to say that they want a nice walkable urban community in which they can watch black and brown people get bludgeoned to death by militarized fascist Stormtroopers. Censorship!!
For some reason my Jerboa app diesnt work any more. Cannot verify token (whatever that means) and cannot verify my account. Tried uninstall/reinstall but no luck.
EDIT: works today!