Not built into the platform, but some apps have it.
I have actually abandoned my shopping and walked out because of one of those things.
I’m glad you see the problem.
Fair enough, I appreciate the civil response.
There’s more of them than there is of us, and they all upvote each other.
As I’ve said countless times now, they don’t engage, they drown out. It’s not each individual comment that’s the problem, it’s the overall effect.
Downvoting doesn’t work when there’s more of them than there are of us, and they all upvote each other.
Would you want to spell that out every time you give your address?
They got that response because they were already flooding the thread, I don’t care enough about them to engage with them on their level.
Once again, the issue is that none of them actually participated meaningfully in the discussion, just turned the thread into one big circle jerk.
None of the individual comments were particularly bad, it’s the overall effect that is the issue.