Ah, but you must understand, how else would they (politicians, lobbyists, generals, etc.) perform graft and corruption to enrich themselves? This is the only way things could’ve happened!
How is she so delusional? Barely anyone still sides with Israel?
Bump amber whataboutism
Aren’t one of the invader groups that he fought off the Saxons and other Germanic groups?
If I’m not wrong, it’s a constant process of slur-ification and reclamation.
Bump Amber Whataboutism
This some sense, but not that much sense - it doesn’t matter if your country has a hundred thousand people or a billion, there’s only so many events, and a maximum number of athletes per country per event that can be sent. Sure, a larger population increases the chances that a talent can be identified and trained, but peak human performance only has so much variance.
Ironic, considering my main exposure to Sam Elliot was as Ron Dunn in Parks and Recreation, where he was what right wingers would describe as “ultra woke” lol
Bump Amber Whataboutism
Best of luck :(
Bump amber whataboutism.