
ImperativeMandates [none/use name]

2 posts • 183 comments
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This take is really bad, this take is the destination of Lasalles idealism, instead of our friend materialism.

To say :being nice costs nothing is very wrong. It acts as if manner alone and thought determine how you act and you can choose by will how to be. It is not based in material reality, not based in the physical world with laws of biology etc.

If you are precarious you struggle more, your safety isn’t guaranteed, you have to plan, to deny, your living situation is bad, it is more crowded, your bed isn’t as nice, your food isn’t as nice, you more likely have deficiency in vitamins, you have longer, more exhausting days, you have to travel longer and more exhaustingly through the city, you have less time to connect.

All this is ignored if you say being nice costs nothing.

Do you know when it is easy to be nice? When you have no material struggle, the conflict you are in doesn’t cost you anything material. Glorifying the relaxed calm person is not seldom part of classism (and a subtle discrimination in dating when you compare affluent rich kid with part office job to 50 hour minimum wage work week person).

That said not being in precarious relations will mean you have no or little connection to precarious relations and the people living in precarious situations. You therefore lack the ability to understand these struggles (excepts as categorial struggles).

Finally about the pieces I agree with.

Solidarity is the thing that connects us. If we are precarious we have to live in solidarity, there you find being support of others and ‘being nice’ in a way that matters and surpasses classisst ideas of manner and culture (eg how to sit at the table, which words to use, how to dress, having nice teeth).

Solidarity is not about liking each other though, but supporting each other, it has to be practical and it has to have material effect to be practical (sometimes called real) solidarity.

Parasite does show a lot of family /precarious workers solidarity (the family is actually a condensed lower working class).

But about the niceties, just tell me please how a person who is living in mold, whose cloth stink of it, who gets fumigated for lack of money, who gets all the shit from the canalisation in your house, who spends nights in large halls of people in the sane situation (symbolically and practically) should be as nice as me who now isn’t fearing to be evicted and has an own flat for a year now.
Being exhausted means you and your body have other goals and hiding them means you can’t be yourself, which means you have to play act. If you are exhausted you will just say stuff like: ‘I need to lay down a bit (and not necessarily inquire about the others day till you rested for the hour’.

Today we have enough resources on the world that none has to live like I described. With a united working class we can change the world and live 16 hour work weeks and have globally a better living standard if we produce and distribute for our needs, even better material living standard than the lower 1/4 of the US population. Once we achieved that let’s gladly talk about being nice towards each other, till then I accept solidarity instead.


Of course the US military or intelligence agencies would never experiment in humans without their consent.

(this post is factual incorrect)


Defeatism is punishable with death under Stalinism.

Real though, don’t knock a 10k sized board. Cultural hegemony isn’t won in a day.

Sure all of us should organize and such, but rather let’s do it with ‘yes, and…’ so that we stay alive


Pol Pot was supported by the USA. This isn’t a bit, but true history. Pol Pot wasn’t communist, but showed what national fascism with glorification of a mysthical past looks like.


Build up your emergency fund, during the worst recession and global pandemic in 100 years.


Besides he and Engels toured around workshops. Also there was a huge tradition of pre socialist experience going on before Marx.


They are the centre of the universe, though, no?


The most upvoted post (by gothlaw) is trying to deflect to the leaders of ‘those countries’ and just posted to commiespam on reddit saying they are getting mauled, arguing that result for a left wing problem


There were also nearly a million non voting people who could’ve voted…
