Swordscomic + SrGrafo crossover??
I still have the last character sheet from a friend’s character from before they passed away IRL.
His memory transcends death, so will your torment be if I ever need to pull this one.
I love those, I binged through all of them.
Sounds like a great excuse to explore Limbo or Shadowfell/plane of shadow.
Facing a lich in the shadowfell is probably unwise, but so is hurling a sphere of annihilation at your buddies.
D&D by HTML of the Coast
FWIW, I really like these as they are.
I’ve binged through them a while ago and they feel like a wink to an actual campaign, genuine.
Little windows offering glimpses of things that could have happened during actual play.
Like… this doesn’t need to have happened as is during a session, but it feels true enough for the characters that it could have happened during or inbetween your actual D&D sessions.
Countless forgettable series on streaming sites have writers, didn’t do them any good.
Even if you did hire a writer, it would just lose focus.
Do they even know the campaign? Probably not.
Even if they somehow did, they’re notorious for not sticking to source material because they too wanna get creative. I don’t have anything against writers, but you’re doing a fine job yourself and I don’t really see how someone else could write these without losing touch.
I’d rather hear it from the goblin’s mouth, so to speak.
I love Konsi and the work you’re doing.
And now I wonder what bedtime stories were like when Gary Gygax is your dad.
“Time for bed son, get your dice, we’re going back to the tomb of horrors.”
“But dad, I’m scared, I just wanna go to sleep…”
“Fine, but I’m still rolling on the encounter table”
For a tenth of the price too
For Karl! Rock. and. STONE
Whoops, wrong place, carry on.