Besides some obvious ones like The Last Airbender I think one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen was Knock Knock was Keanu Reeves. I’m somewhat surprised this movie was even made.
Computer. Please list all of Commander Riker’s search queries.
I gave up on video games and never really cared for internet people content. So I read books and am always on the lookout for shows I might like. Many of which are decades old.
It might be difficult to adjust to the slow paced entertainment of reading, but once you go through a bit of digital detox it will become as entertaining as a television show.
What even is “fashion” in this context if not a single person will ever wear it?
Privacy? What is this article talking about. Ads not displaying in no way implies privacy. They will harvest your data as much as it possibly can either way. All you are doing by paying to remove ads is directly funding the ad business model.
I can already burn through my entire wireless data limit in minutes. What is the point in it being faster without data being cheaper? At least from a users perspective and not someone who owns a telecommunications company.
I recently switched reading modes from “horizontal” page scrolling to infinite vertical scrolling and it made me read so much faster. It’s really quite weird that it affects anything at all.
As for “supporting the dev” I don’t really get this concept. Do you know them personally? Surely the point would be to support development of something you want rather than the people behind it. I’m in favor of supporting software development if it doesn’t violate any of my principles such as being adware.
As far as I can tell ReadEra non-premium doesn’t have any ads. This means the paid version is only about buying extra features rather than removing ads. This is a very respectable business model in a world where almost every other app out there tries to annoy you with ads until you pay them.
I use ReadEra regularly, but I think I’m going to buy the premium version since you brought it to my attention. The syncing feature could come in handy between my phone and tablet.