That wasn’t what happened. Someone was spouting off about how Biden wanted to take everyone’s guns after seeing a manipulated video then threw out the ”I pay your salary, you work for me” line that every jackass like to throw at public employees like police or people just doing their job at the DMV.
I forgot, when did Putin join NATO?
You actually believe that protest was spontaneous by residents.
I’m sorry, I was lying before; the bridge isn’t really for sale. I morally can’t feel good about taking advantage of someone that gullible*.
- PS- If anyone ever tries to tell you “someone wrote gullible on the ceiling” or “you dropped your pocket” they are trying to get you to look to make you look silly. It’s actually a joke at your expense, I just thought someone should warn you.
On a short-timeline view (which is exactly what we have now in this conflict) that “stalemate that just feeds people into the grinder that doesn’t achieve a military objective*” is exactly what we had at multiple points during the colonial period. Wars like Father Le Loutre’s War also spilled over to non combatant citizens just like Russia’s Soldiers have targeted. For that matter, that’s been true of just about any period where one nation invaded another to claim them. The only real difference now is we have gotten exceptionally effective at killing people so the totals are far higher.
Crack a fucking history book. Justification of aggression and invasion against a sovereign nation is a new low.
*- keeping an invading force from progressing is an objective, just ask the North Vietnamese. But you probably think they should have surrendered too based on your logic.