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It’s quire simple:



Well that’s sort of the point. So much fucked up shit happens because of or in the US that an individual known to be a mass murderer is seemingly making sense. It also helps in that in context, this specific individual mass murdered a lot of Americans particularly so it supports the statement even more so because double standard or not, it should naturally seem harder to see the sense in the statements of a mass murderer that wanted to murder you and yours specifically so the fact that he somehow can be seen to be making some sense should be an indicator how bad things are.

EDIT: I’m changing this comment with words in italics only because, I guess my point was more that current violence and many more terrible things that have happened because of or with full support of the US can make a similarly deranged point of view seem almost reasonable.


Inevitably with the passage of time you move on to other topics and while this is happening you focus on narrower more specific effects. But this is so damn infuriating because it’s exactly what EVERYBODY SAID WOULD HAPPEN. Early 2000s when these American wars of adventure started you had people saying this would be destabilising, encourage the very terror supposedly being fought against, cost the US themselves mountains of treasure, degrade their reputation and put them on a path of decline. In the lead up to Iraq many warned that this would be destabilising for the whole world as well as the nation of Iraq itself, that it would make things more dangerous globally, create power vacuums and breed generations of resentment and hatred and it clearly has. This is not to even mention on top of it all, the absolute monumental human tragedy it has wrought. This was stupid, stupid, stupid decision making.

25 points

I wonder if they were super in to mammals while he was making people to begin with and then suddenly got super bored and was all about them beetles now.


Woah, that was all like… coherent and stuff. Didn’t know he had it in him. Didn’t even talk about gay frogs once.


While I’d probably take with a grain of salt the public boasts of any countries military about how well it did in simulations against other militaries, there is this whole thing where the US did their own wargames and that ended very quickly because the simulated enemy just used a bunch of cruise missiles and took out their fleet. They also just restarted the game and made both teams follow a script this time. It seems to be rather contested and obviously more complicated than that but still, seems familiar.


This is probably a slightly misguided idea to go after them as bad people because as soon as they do do something “good” you leave the door open for people to think that perhaps on balance they’re not so bad after all.

The problem of billionaires being billionaires is itself the chief complaint people should have. It doesn’t matter if they’re Mr Rogers and Santa Claus combined, because they can choose to be so entirely at will and can be selfish assholes too entirely at will. They can also be other things entirely, given they are actually human beings after all they can try to act on best intentions, but like all humans, with great ignorance or with flawed thinking. When you or I do that the consequences can be terrible, but mostly, we’d be unable to come close to the scale of impact these demi gods can leave in their wake, not to mention the “original sins” that allowed them to become billionaires in the first place leaving a legacy of nasty indirect consequences for society at large.

There’s actually a lot of examples of billionaires philanthropy and as you likely expected to point out when people mentioned that, some of those acts hide less pure intention, but undoubtedly they probably really did do some good and that itself is enough to completely undermine your whole point that they never do anything good. The issue is that, with the sheer vast quantity of concentrated wealth and power they can wield, the society that supports them is bereft of a real voice in how it’s resources are used. So much of the fruits of our labour end up closed off in private coffers and it undermines public institutions like democratic governments because while we may theoretically have a say in what they do, we legally have no say at all in how a billionaire spends his bucks (and I say his intentionally). They might say we oughtn’t since it’s their money and no one typically has a say in what the rest of us do with our money but as with most things, there’s a point of extreme where this logic becomes perverse.


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