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Curious about something, maybe you know since you work at a theater. I seem to remember hearing that a theater has to pay royalties each time they show a movie and that newer technology can track and report this automatically. Does the latest technology automatically track this as I recall? And if so, would playing a movie as a test count as a showing?


They’ll also point to crime rates in large cities and cherry-pick statistics that suit their arguments without doing any in depth analysis. Especially when they can parrot irresponsible politicians. They don’t care that cities like Baltimore and St. Louis have it really bad right now because all they every hear about is Chicago. And as with other topics, the problematic ones will reject any new information you present that doesn’t match their pre-determined conclusions.

If you try to discuss what “per-capita” means, it doesn’t matter. They’ll point to the fact that there were 100 murders without any regard to the fact that it may be out of a half million people or more. They won’t acknowledge the different kinds of drug crimes that happen in their own towns like meth production.

The problematic people refuse to accept the fact that poor economic conditions lead to higher crime rates. They’ll give the “get an education, get a better job, people flipping burgers shouldn’t earn $15 / hour.” arguments. They don’t care because often they haven’t experienced it, and even those who have lack the empathy to see that the impoverished people in the country aren’t so different from the impoverished people in big cities.

I could continue this rant but I think I’ll end here. I’m trying to be cautious about using the word “they” as a blanket statement. Not all people who are conservatives believe these things, but you can’t deny that a fair portion do. It’s hard for us all to find a common ground and speak the same language.


They are doing everything in their power, including usurping power from the courts and the people simultaneously. Voters spoke loudly with a 14% margin, and they still strive to maintain control.

If I’m understanding the gist of this, there are claims that the ballot initiative is either vague or potentially in conflict with existing laws. These lawmakers think they should be the ones to decide how to adjust existing laws and implement interpretations of vague portions of the new law - to the exclusion of court interpretation.

I’m mostly okay with them adjusting existing laws so long as they don’t conflict with the new law. In my opinion, that’s part of their job. But if they want to avoid court scrutiny, they better get started right away. Once a case goes before the courts and a decision is reached, that’s it. No more argument after that.

However, interpreting the law, particularly the state constitutional amendment, is an absolute right of the judicial branch. It is one of the most basic principles of our three branch system. Legislators define laws, courts interpret laws, and the executive carries out and enforces the laws.

It amazes me that some people still don’t see the similarities between current political party behavior and the very definition of fascism.


“Everyone will wonder how you have time to use it if you ever try to do so and will resent you for it”


Should have deposed Vlad when he had the chance.

Edit: not sure if politicus is supposed to be limited to US politics. Let me know if so and I will remove this if the group wants.


Keep in mind that basic bots don’t render or process certain page elements - like javascript. So VPN plus noScript/uBlock plus obscured data plus no preexisting cookies and possibly unique fingerprint from all your previous interactions (depending on your privacy settings)… It all adds to possible bot behavior. In my mind, getting caprcha’d is a good thing. It may mean google has low confidence that it knows who I am.


Tell that to anyone running a website with a pubic facing form - including register and login forms.


That’s what we thought in 2016. Do not underestimate these people


Ahh yes, a government official not liking the first amendment when it is used against them. How novel.
