I refuse to actually watch any of these clips. I’ve seen the screenshots with captions, so I know the sick content, but I just can’t watch them.
Without playing the “equivalency game” or whatever, it’s crazy how our society broadly doesn’t care/embraces this type of disgusting murder porn. I just imagine someone making a TikTok like superimpose Epstein’s face on your own “me when I see little kids.” I mean it’s the same basic thing, but apparently murdering millions of people is ok to jack off to but joking about being a kid diddler is disgusting… I personally find them both horrifying and mainstream-ish joking/mocking of it in a clearly supportive way (imagine supporting r*ping MORE kids) is just a reflection of the true heart of far too many Americans (mostly Americans, but others too).
This has 9 downvotes from those pieces of shit LMAO
Is there a way to stay federated so they have to read our posts sometimes but they can’t downvote? They can comment, then we can mock them, but silently, anonymously downvoting is too cowardly to abide.
Mostly just annoying. Kinda wish the site didn’t have downvotes or maybe even upvotes. Specifically downvotes though are never used to indicate “This info is factually wrong” or “This is a racist comment.” I mean, they might also be, but the primary usage despite any intention years ago is a cathartic “fuck you!” to the person you’re downvoting. It’s used so much for that purpose that I basically mentally swap downvotes for upvotes when it’s a topic that will anger libs. Their disapproval just shows me I probably said something correct (but also further shows the worthlessness of the downvote button). Probably the “like” button is about the only useful such device to indicate engagement but limit butthurt kneejerk downvotes.
And before anyone thinks I’m making this like my life priority: I’m really not. I don’t care that much. It’s just one of those things which seems outdated and should go away but probably never will because the anticipated asshurt is so high. I absolutely know reddit soys, chud or libs, would lose their minds crying over it if it happened (see the time YouTube removed their dislike button- people fucking still try to code it back in lol).
Welp, back to downvoting all the liberal comments :)
I appreciate the recommendation, but I’ll probably keep slogging on the downvotes as badges of honor. After so many years of pissing off swarms of redditors, well, time to do some more I guess. So far I have enjoyed the times I’ve seen people handwringing over the .ml domain (when they learn it can mean more than the country it’s meant for lol) and how they’re like “well yeah spez sucks, BUT ARE WE GONNA GO TO A TANKIE SITE!?” I love it.
I feel like I accidentally thought-willed this into existence. I was randomly like “wtf is .ml anyway?” and looked it up to find it was Mali and apparently registering a domain was free. I was like “oh cool. Guess they either don’t see value in the domain or just don’t give a shit. But… what if they suddenly DO give a shit?”
I mentally shrugged it off because I know there are certain rules around domains that the world agrees on. Yoinking a domain without going through the process seems to be grounds for… well I guess that’s the problem. No enforcement? I mean really what can the world even do besides be pissy and move on? Seems like a bad play on Mali’s part anyway. There’s no telling how popular lemmy can or will get. Instead of yoinking domains back the capitalist thing to do 🧐 is simply extort the owners. Tell them that when times for renewal, in a year or whatever, prices will be set based on popularity. Basically the way other domains are bought and sold. It’s a shitty tactic, but we live in a shitty world, and free domains was probably always too good to be true if you’re honest with yourself. I feel like the domain lemmygrad.ml is probably not worth that much though. It’s only value is literally just this community here which has I’d say zero value for advertising and such. Just thought of consciousness typing now.
On a side note though, taking away the .ml which could he interpreted as Marxism-Leninism (and I absolutely always read it that way in my mind- sorry Mali), really sucks.
Alternative domain choice number one, imo, is of course .su . Yes, that is indeed the Soviet Union top level domain. Incredibly interesting factoid that the Soviet Union was around just barely long enough to be assigned its official top level domains (you know, like .us, .fr, .ru, etc.). Now I believe the Russian federation controls the .su and I don’t know the rules around obtaining one. Some countries are weird about it. Like to get a .us domain (they are very cheap) you have to agree to have all your information publicly available and not hidden behind the usual messages, whatever the wording is exactly, like “on file with the cloudflare registrar.” But anyway, .su is cool. Not as cool as .ml though. Feels bad.
Edit: for anyone interested, I went through the purchase process for a .su domain and they do indeed have additional requirements typical to country TLDs. You have to provide a valid Russian passport number. Interesting and disappointing (for non Russians anyway I guess).
There’s certainly an irony to academia being run by (mostly) liberals who would rightly scoff at any real research having such shoddy sourcing but those same types of libs blindly accepting CIA and it’s network of bullshit narratives.
Even from a selfish pro-US stance people should be wary of those who state such high standards for what is considered credible sourcing but throw that away as soon as it favors the way they’ve been told to perceive the world. “This confirm China bad! Sound good!” They’re compromising their ethics and morality of course but it makes you wonder what else is compromised if it all it took was a a shitty media narrative to convince them Xi is personally shooting Taiwanese civilians right now.
Very clearly obviously it’s propaganda based on the western projection that the commies were the same as Nazis and Nazis were famous for the “show your papers” thing.
Ironically the US police have always treated block people the way media represents the Nazis (and communists, inaccurately). Don’t ask Americans about why that’s ok but some old Soviet Union border guard asking for a passport was supposed to be representative of…anything more than what it always is
That 74 is kind of tricky and my vision is “normal”
This reminds me of a time I was taking one of these colorblind tests. The person administering it was flipping (way too fast) through the numbers and I was reading them fine. A trickier one came up which I could very clearly read, like this 71/74 one, and I said (because fucker was flipping way too fast) “71… no, 74 actually.” He marked it wrong. It felt like a real life Seinfeld incident after that where I kind of stopped the whole test and was saying basically, as nicely as I could, “hey. I said 74. Mark that correct.” MFer didn’t even vocalize a response. I can’t remember but I think he did like two more numbers, said I passed with whatever number of tests with one incorrect. I had to get my eyesight examined after that (this was for some pilot shit. Like a physical) and I told the doctor and he kind of shrugged it off too like “you passed it. It doesn’t matter.” IT MATTERS TO ME GODDAMNIT
Thanks for triggering this random traumatic event from over a decade ago.
I’d say you probably shouldn’t try to counter them. Not often anyway. It’s mentally taxing and ultimately produces basically zero fruit. People grow up their entire lives, their nice comfy lives btw, being told “China bad! US good!” and although you obviously can’t just swap that moronic narrative and make it true… it’s much closer to the truth. They already believe insane bullshit, basically. Can you argue a fairly devout religious person down from their religion of choice? Of course not.
Leaving aside the religious stuff, they have to find a reason to change their minds within themselves. Everyone in “the west” who was born and raised within its culture by the average normie-brained neoliberals that have been dominant for the last 40ish years and ended up on this website is way outside of the norm. People like to say “I watched/read/heard X and it changed me!” No, it didn’t. You changed because things around you didn’t add up. You looked into it. You probably found a bunch of shit that you thought was insane conspiracy (not theories, but actual conspiracies). Maybe some is/was but a lot of the shit if we’re talking about reading into the history of western nations especially the US is true. The worst shit did happen. And it’s hard to come to grips, properly, with the reality that you are not living in the good nation. That China isn’t full of misguided fools, that the USSR often held a much higher moral ground on basically every discussion of everything… that much of what we were told about them is just straight up lies or exaggerated for propagandistic effect.
I think accepting China isn’t the absolute demonic evil of the world is probably damn near the last thing for westerners to break out of. Well, besides the monkey-brain shit which might be impossible to break for many people cough anarchists cough (reactionary tendencies towards individualism comes to mind).
If you throw out facts of how the US is objectively, absolutely no debate, insanely worse for the world including many of its own citizens you’re just gonna get CNN talking points, state dept lies, links to horribly written, poorly sourced bullshit about the billions of Muslims that China apparently liquidated last month. Only slight exaggeration. They don’t want to learn or hear the truth. They literally don’t care. It will take either time and circumstances unique to them to change their minds (after an academic journey of some sort, as all of us had to do) or… force. No one can do the first method and we obviously lack the power to do the second (for now…).
So, sure, post some links, point out the easiest most obvious hypocrisy (like people shitting over “China spying” meanwhile the NSA has exabytes of fucking data on the exact dimensions of your cock and asshole) but I wouldn’t engage too much. I try to limit myself to about once a day, and I don’t read the hog replies because what’s the point of the mental stress this would cause me?*
*I edited the last sentence from ending with “mental disease” to the above ending to clarify I did not mean that the senders of said annoying messages, liberals basically, are suffering from “liberal brain disease” but rather they are giving me brain disease by which I meant stress, annoyance, etc. It was a self-attack of sorts (I can’t handle too much uneducated/bad faith pushback), but I recognize the wording was poor. Hopefully this is better. Also as an excuse: I wrote this, and all of my comments basically, either on the shitter or in this case sitting on my bench press bench procrastinating from lifting.