KarlMarxOfLove [love/loves]
they run a company with a logo that just says “dp”
Have fun and be good to each other. Your core values are aligned and the difference between leftist tendencies in daily life is very minimal. You both believe in abolishing capitalism, returning power to the workers, and intersectional liberation.
I apparently can’t respond over DMs on a new account, so posting a reply here:
Hi there! Thanks for reaching out and asking about whether I have openings. I’m mostly locale based in my practice, especially with matchmaking. I’m also hesitant to dox myself as I take OpSec pretty seriously online.
With that in mind, I unfortunately am not looking for any clients through the site right now. If that changes, I’ll absolutely let you know.
A recommendation I do have is to check out the Savage Love podcast. The host is a progressive lib, but has a great perspective on dating and sex. Here’s a link to check it out: https://www.savagelovecast.com/episodes
I’d also recommend therapy if you haven’t done so yet. It can be incredibly helpful for getting yourself into a better headspace as a partner and a person!
As I mentioned, the dating scene is very much a numbers game and something that kind of requires grinding out dates. I’ve heard from clients this can be pretty overwhelming at first when coming back into things following a LTR. There’s definitely an adjustment period and Covid has also really thrown everyone off.
Hopefully these tips help and I apologize that we can’t work together. I’m definitely surprised with how much my AMA took off. Good luck out there and hope things work out for the best, you can do it!
I’ve let this one sit here a bit because I wanted to consider it. First, this is not healthcare advice and I am not a mental health professional. The main thing I’d say is that I’m reading a lot of self loathing in your comment.
If asking your family for help is an option, I would recommend seeing a therapist to help process your feelings of self worth and getting into a more stable headspace if you’re feeling especially anxious or depressed.
If that really isn’t an option, then buy a book on CBT and learning some skills from that. I recommend this one. This is not a replacement for a therapist and closer to frontier medicine. Your results will vary, but that book has helped me.
As I’ve said in other replies, it’s completely normal to be bad at dating at first. Everyone pretty much bombs their first couple of dates. That says nothing about you as a person, it’s just a skill and social situation you need to learn and adjust to.
I do recommend getting to a place where you feel good about yourself before dating. This doesn’t mean getting a new job or anything status related, just that you like yourself as a person. I’ve had plenty of working class clients who were able to have a healthy dating life. It takes a bit more work to date on a budget, but it’s doable.
Exercising is good! Incorporating more of that can help a ton with mental health in addition to therapy and in some cases medication. I’m not a mental health expert, so I’m not qualified to speak beyond that. Things definitely get better though, I promise!
i’m a mostly unironic stalinist in a city that’s so republican we literally never even get democrats running in local elections.
Okay definitely don’t lead with that if you live in a conservative area. Pretend you’re a DemSoc or something for a while and be open to dating Progressives.