Leonadas445 [he/him]
Therapy and getting on for undiagnosed bipolar 2 helped immensely. It helped me figure myself and as soon as I wasn’t an angry resentful Man, lo and behold more people wanted to be be around me and loneliness slowly started becoming less of an issue.
I’m still struggling with an opiate addiction, but I treat people much better and choose to examine myself before reacting against other people.
Loneliness and atomization is a very dark place to be though, I don’t know if I could handle going back.
I’ll keep that in mind. I always thought there was such thing as a benign abscess, and I’ve had some that have cleared up on their own. Drs will often treat you like shit or second class when they know you are in there for drug use.
For now I’m just going to keep an eye on it. I have no fever and there are none of the telltale red streaks.
I don’t know what to tell you, I’m sorry. I was not a good person back then. It took fixing of issues that had with myself to steer me right and realize I’m not owed women’s bodies.
I had a flawed perception, I can’t like turn back time and change that, I can only move forward and be the best person I can be and treat people like human beings