A little switch on the shower head that turns the water off while you don’t directly need it can bring the total water running time way down. It keeps the temp constant so you don’t have to fiddle with the knobs every time. Lathering, conditioner leaving in time, shaving, exfoliating, teeth brushing, they don’t need water constantly running.
I can’t get the article to load, but I imagine this is the result of storm drains taking runoff directly from roadways into waterways, not particles blowing through the air and landing in the sea. Seems like it’s past time to stop putting unfiltered water into waterways after it’s been contaminated by human activities.
Is this a picture taken off a tv screen?
ETA: I’m not complaining, this place needs as much T’pol as it can get and this is a lovely template.
The air strikes are also not good for them.