Is this a picture taken off a tv screen?
ETA: I’m not complaining, this place needs as much T’pol as it can get and this is a lovely template.
I can’t get the article to load, but I imagine this is the result of storm drains taking runoff directly from roadways into waterways, not particles blowing through the air and landing in the sea. Seems like it’s past time to stop putting unfiltered water into waterways after it’s been contaminated by human activities.
Also there are restrictions on what it can be used for, no hot food, like a rotisserie chicken from the hot case or prepared dinner from the hot bar. No non food items, like over the counter meds or toiletries, no diapers.
They tried for a while, years ago, to say no junk food, like sodas and candy but that got enough backlash that they gave up on that restriction.
Trump wanted to scrap the whole thing and deliver a box of canned food each month instead, it got a lot of support from people who hate “the poors” and want them to suffer for the crime of being poor, but luckily it did not pass.
There is another program called WIC (pregnant women, infants, children) that does have more restrictions, it’s pretty much a monthly allowance of baby food, milk, canned tuna and peanut butter. The people who want to disallow abortion are doing their best to get rid of that one at the moment.
Yeah, it’s been “hold your nose and vote for the least insane” for a long time now, but more the choice is “the guy who supports genocide” or “the guy who really really supports genocide.”
Fucking two party first post the post bullshit. This is going to get Trump elected when the people who cant bear to vote for genocide stay home or vote third party.
The air strikes are also not good for them.