It is mentioned in that one episode where they have a small village of “back to the land” type people staying in the cargo bay, along with their farm animals that they don’t have to keep sweeping up all the time, the bays will clean themselves. They just have to stop lighting cooking fires.
Me when Kai Winn comes on screen:
A little switch on the shower head that turns the water off while you don’t directly need it can bring the total water running time way down. It keeps the temp constant so you don’t have to fiddle with the knobs every time. Lathering, conditioner leaving in time, shaving, exfoliating, teeth brushing, they don’t need water constantly running.
Returns the cart and is quite pleased with herself for having completed a human social contract ritual, even though she finds it inefficient and tedious.
He’s so pleased!
Oh, interesting. I hadn’t heard of compulsory income management before. The SNAP/EBT program is a little different, in that it is just money for food, not bills and such. That sounds horrible.
In the US people on social security benefits just get money deposited in their bank accounts, but they do have to fill out a form each year saying where all of the money went and there are weird restrictions on how much you can have in savings/income without getting disqualified from your benefits. And you are supposed to even include free food picked up from the food bank in your “income.”
It’s called the benefits cliff- there is a point at which an additional $1 will lose you tens of thousands in medical, nutritional and housing benefits. It’s why the are rules about disabled people being allowed to work for less than minimum wage. It sounds cruel (and it is) but it’s to protect them from losing their health care and subsidized housing because they got a part time job making a couple hundred a week.
It’s designed to keep poor people poor and it’s absolutely evil.
Well, she did say some fucked up things. But the other people mentioned in the article who were forced to resign basically just said “I’m against genocide” and were labeled as antisemites. That’s fucked up too.