I’ve only ever seen a few clips of him (Bolt) but he is so boring. His monotone slow delivery is just so flat and lifeless. What he actually says is bollocks as well but I don’t know how even people that agree with him can listen to him drone on.
Check out the whole story … the family is delusional with their victim complex
Glenn Turner was a hero, following the law and trying to prevent illegal clearing of untouched native Koala habitat. With endangered and rare vegetation .
“You’re not here to do a job,” the man spits. “You’re here to ruin us, to take us to court. It’s not enough that we’ve been in court. You don’t leave us alone.” He jerks the gun forward. Strange feels the implacable eye of it. “All you want to do is just ruin, ruin the Turnbulls.”
The Turnbulls were rich as fuck. There was never any need for them to clear that land.
Altogether, in a modest ad giving few details, the Turnbulls listed nearly 6000 hectares of their land. Aerial satellite photos show the two contentious properties cleared, except a dribble of vegetation around the water gullies, to the margin. Ian Turnbull’s son Roger and his wife Annette sold two of their own properties, Royden and Wallam, in late 2019. Combined, the sales to an American teachers’ pension fund subsidiary made the couple more than $28 million, at $7500 a hectare.
The bases of wind farms act as artificial reefs. Fish and marine life love them.
The jobs servicing the wind farms are clean green and marine.
How’s that song go?
Fuck off fatty Mcfuckface No one likes you fatty McFuckface
Pay your workers fatty McFuckface What a piece of shit is Fatty McFuckface
The worlds not perfect. Be nice if it was.
Should there have been a co ordinated government response world wide and then on going vaccination roll out world wide? Yep, agree with you.
New Zealand did a great job in managing it.
Australia did OK as well despite a few fumbles.
Mainly because both have 1st world medical systems and also are isolated from other countries by sea and big distances between populations centres so could implement effective lock downs and mask mandates where needed.
WA and Tasmania effectively led normal lives throughout the epidemic with the borders shut with only short lockdowns. Interstate commerce and travel were hit hard obviously.
Both countries are now fully opened up with no restrictions because there are effective vaccines and anti viral treatments.
My main point was that the anti maskers were irrelevant to the outcome except were they exposed other people to the virus needlessly.
The only opportunity to stop the virus spreading was in the initial phases. Once it had left China and was spreading in several countries across several continents it was already to late to make it extinct.
The anti maskers didn’t win circumstances changed.
The anti maskers were irrelevant except where they unfortunately spread the disease to other people and caused needless suffering.
Covid is and was a serious public health issue.
Initially there was no treatment.
Millions did die unnecessarily because the only effective health response at the time was masking up, public hygiene and isolation.
The only effective available initial response was badly managed and actively impeded by anti mask politicians and deluded members of the general public
Small pox is much deadlier and also has the added benefit of being disfiguring if you happen to survive it. It was also easier to vaccinate against that the highly mutable Covid 19 virus
Was there profiteering? Yes unfortunately but there was also very rapid development of vaccines and treatments that allow the disease to become a manageable issue.