I usually go to torrents sites.
Was listening to “If Books Could Kill” or “Maintenance Phase” and the hosts played a great game of “Steakhouse or Gay Bar?”
Hilariously difficult.
Check out private torrent trackers. Look for Orpheous and Redacted, OPH/RED.
Damn, I love Venetian Snares.
Darknet Diaries is an awesome podcast!!!
Check out this podcast: If Books Could Kill #ifBooksCouldKill https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/if-books-could-kill/4135025 via @PodcastAddict
I’ll leave this here for cross-referencing.
Came here to post a link to the podcast.
Season 1 and 2 + the Xmas Special are solid gold. It was a straight BBC joint then.
The themes and direction were clear and the show did what it set out to do. I enjoyed that. There are plenty of fair criticisms of the show, but pre-Netflix-collaboration Black Mirror has to stand alone.
I’m almost finished with Blood in the Machine. It’s amazing and Brian Merchant made that shit come alive for me. He deftly weaves the concerns of modern workers and tech skeptics into the bloody and righteous struggle of the Luddites.
No General but Ludd