Eryck Gutteral
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I’d probably straight up fail because I’d write something about how I, myself, am a recording and gigging musician; have multiple albums out, releaased under a CC BY-NC-SA license, we have given copies out gratís and told people to just make copies for others; and how we are all pro piracy.
The funny thing is that there is no money in the music industry for most bands. Especially underground stuff like NYHC.
The reality is that the only ones that potentially don’t make as much money are the upper echelon who are already making millions. Even that out so the touring bands get their dues, and we can talk about how every dollar helps them go from struggling to actually living off their craft without having to work full time. 🌵
Good work. Glad there’s an appimage!
Well, the MEGAfm uses two Sega Genesis frequency modulation sound chips so, if you’ve ever played one of them you’ve got an idea of some of it’s capabilities and sounds. This brings it to a whole new level.
As you might imagine, finding working hardware from the early 90’s is not that easy so, these are a fairly rare item. I feel like I need to get a vault just for it. It’s definitely not seeing many, if any, live shows. It’ll be staying in my studio and be used for recording authentic chiptunes.
I’ve got an older version with the older, grittier chips. I haven’t played it actually as I’m still just getting set up. Tomorrow, or this weekend, I’ll have the rest I need. Really, it’s just a proper MIDI cable. Lol
The Black Systems iii looks sick. It’ll be a few years before I can afford that thing. Lol.
Does the Erika Synths Black System iii count? It’s sold as one big alien monster…
Otherwise, the Twisted Electrons MEGAfm.
I have one of these already!
Well, there’s Gnutella.
This may be suitable. I’m not sure, I admit that I haven’t used it mucb lately.