
MorphoTheMagnificent [undecided]
I am:
- queer
- deathly afraid of people
- alone
Taliban? More like tally me bananas. Daylight come and me wanna go home, am I right folks?
Matt Yglesias’s phone is blowing up right now with so many texts from people he knew at Dalton and Harvard, and his old coworkers at the Atlantic, like “Hey buddy! I was just thinking about you for no particular reason at all and wanted to check in and see how you’re doing!”
This video was just one of the many, many war crimes US military veterans have committed around the world
Matthew Yglesias lived in the basement of an undercover operative (and a landlord to boot) and his friend who went into structured finance is also definitely an operative, because that is how the intelligence community operates. He is a prime example of the kind of privileged, unwitting stooge the IC grooms to promote its ideology through journalism.
The African continent is home to five of the top 30 oil-producing countries in the world.