MrBidenYourFired [he/him]
temporarily moving back in with my parents has been an absolute nightmare given my erratic sleep schedule. They think it’s an irredeemable crime to wake up at noon lol
I spent a lot of time fucking around at my local library in my middle school years (mostly because of free wifi) and ended up stumbling upon some Richard Dawkins stuff, not that his books are necessarily political but I did start questioning things I had previously just assumed to be correct about life, there’s a lot of stuff in there not just about religion but about skepticism in general. The most exposure to politics I got was when my parents watched the Today show back when “handsy Matt Lauer” was still there. Probably in 8th grade I got into the Colbert report, which was back when there were at least some truth to power segments rather than perpetual DNC/lib media nonsense. Like many teens I was attracted to the libertarian worldview mostly because of their views on social issues but realized pretty quickly their economic views were insane. Pretty much all throughout the Obama years I was a standard lib, believing that Obama always did things for the right reasons and any criticism was unfounded. It wasn’t until I took AP government my senior year of high school that I began to have second thoughts about shitlib mentality. IIRC my teacher asked us what we thought about Bernie Sanders running for president (this was back in 2015 when he announced he was running for the first time) and the general consensus was nobody knew who he was and his campaign was a joke. But then my dad (who is a conservative republican) for some inexplicable reason thought it would be fun to take me to a Bernie rally later that year and after listening to him speak I actually understood, and volunteered for him as I did in 2020. It wasn’t until i started college that I got into Chomsky and socialist/communist theory, and honestly I’m still not as well-read on that stuff as I’d like to be, but suffice to say I no longer subscribe to the incrementalist shitlib view of the world where capitalism is the ultimate and final economic system and must be preserved at all cost.
When Biden loses his temper (which happens frequently) he turns into such a cringefest. Yelling at immigrant rights activists to vote for Trump, yelling at union members, or basically anyone who so much as questions his policy agenda. He’s a piss poor politician and the only reason people even considered voting for him is because we were told he could beat Trump.
I don’t think Russiagate will ever go away, at least not until the bloodthirsty hawks infesting our government can be replaced. People in the CIA openly admit they haven’t left the cold war mentality. Of course they want war with Russia, and China too, but openly calling for it would be too extreme, so instead we endlessly sanction them and escalate militarily all while claiming we’re defending ourselves from some intangible threat of “election interference”.
The really sick part is you have senators like Chris Murphy tweeting about how we attempted a coup in Venezuela but we botched it and we need to do better next time. They call for escalation with Russia for “interference” in one breath, and demand the toppling of foreign governments in the next. The deep state will ALWAYS have a new trick up its sleeve to continue being imperialists and halt the withdrawing of troops from around the globe.
The day after Trump finalizes plans to withdraw 5k troops we get an evidence-free “intelligence” report from an unnamed official about Russian bounties, which by the way is disputed by the NSA, not that the NSA are the good guys, but it goes to show that even the US intelligence apparatus can’t get all its eggs in a basket. The story was so obviously flawed from the very beginning yet of course it was unanimously reported as truth by the entire media and anyone who disagrees is outside the realm of acceptable discourse.
I think Trump’s too stupid to actually wield power and get results, which is why we’re still in every middle eastern country he claimed to want to get out of. It doesn’t help that the day after he finalized plans to remove 5,000 troops from Afghanistan we get “intelligence reports” about Russian bounties on US soldiers, and immediately the entire media is repeating that we need to stay in the region to counter “Russian influence”.
Luckily with Biden, the CIA doesn’t even need to plant false stories in the media to prevent us from pulling out, because he’s expressed 0 interest in doing so, and in all likelihood would increase our presence there as well as South America and anywhere else there’s a democratically elected government that needs toppling.