How broken are we talking here? Like, installation is kinda borked but technically works broken, or purge it with fire and salt the storage medium broken?
I have often busted my machine learning rig as it runs an ancient (but spacious VRAM) GPU. If I upgrade the drivers by accident, it takes an average of 1-2 days to make everything happy again.
I used to be more cavalier with my boot partitions; I am no stranger to a busy box for repairs. Best moments are when I used to try and adjust a live partition to make more room for the swap partition (or vice versa).
I have screwed up more Raspberry PI installations than I care to count. Usually by my own hand.
I have completely broken Xwindows multiple times due to drivers, trying to go between desktop environments, and most frequently trying to get video cards to work that aren’t natively supported.
Yes. So much yes.
Sure, at least half of the FAANG use Linux. But they use a homegrown Linux flavor often maintained by an entire dedicated team. Not some random ass Ubuntu or Mint ISO you downloaded; these images are custom tailored to the workflows, dev needs, security needs, and even package management needs of the corporation. They often carry a complete profile template that integrates with whatever they’ve chosen to enforce authentication, have a lavish on-board remote monitoring system, you name it.
“Number one, you can’t build that now. Those tanks just took out your north power supply.”
“Captain, I assure you I can build the radar. I only need five units to-”
https://quirksmode.org/css/ has entered the chat.
Someone hasn’t read https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Silver_Bullet yet.
If abstraction was going to kill it, it would have died a thousand deaths already.