Nephroni [he/him]
30 rock and by extension Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt are good and I will fight anyone who says otherwise
I constantly see thinly veiled advertising for it all over :reddit-logo: , so I don’t know if that makes it more or less legitimate
Interesting about the pic of the guy on the right
In 2005 he killed two people in small town Canada and decapitated them with a homemade sword. He then fled south into America where :
Despres arrived at the Calais, Maine, border crossing. He presented himself to the U.S. border guards while carrying a homemade sword, a hatchet, a knife, brass knuckles and a chainsaw stained with what appeared to be blood. At the border, Despres boasted of being an assassin for the United States government and of having killed 700.The weapons were confiscated and Despres was fingerprinted. Although it was determined that Despres was due in court to be sentenced for an assault conviction, Despres held U.S. citizenship and under US law, the officers could not legally compel Despres to return to Canada.
Fine job there America border patrol, really keeping the people safe.
Despres was ultimately arrested and eventually found not criminally responsible due to schizophrenia
Wait was Monica Lewinski unpaid???
This is great and definitely something you can use to help someone in a trauma emergency.
But don’t forget to practice CPR as well. The older you get the more likely you will be to perform CPR.
The most common person on which you will perform CPR is an older family member.
Most people do not perform adequate CPR. Remember to push hard and fast, and don’t stop.
If they aren’t responding and aren’t breathing, Start CPR
Put your hands center chest at the nipple line
You should be compressing 110-120 times per minute which is very fast. You should be pushing quite hard, enough to compress the chest 1/3 of the depth.
Most arrests are primary arrests, so forget trying to do rescue breaths. Just compressions.
Take a CPR class you could save a life.
I hope that everyone that attends a rodeo gets the old Johnny Knoxville treatment