When you pirate on Linux it’s up to you to make sure you are running it in a compatible environment. Checking protonDB and other sources may show you some workarounds you will need. The other way to do this is to open the game in a terminal, try to run it, look for errors or missing .so files or other things in the terminal output, and use that as a starting point to figure out where you need to go to get it configured the rest of the way.
Lutris scripts and the like do not use pirated sources on purpose, so you are very much on your own with it.
“You should just take some time to invest in yourself!”
I wish I had gotten up, but the person I took there is blind and needed assistance.
I was more disgusted that none of her Christian friends could be bothered to take a dying blind person to church for Easter. It’s been like that with everything, they can’t be assed to do anything but want to sit here and pass judgement that we are gonna kill her (she’s literally dying anyway so eventually they’ll be ‘right’) and that we should put her against her will to rot in a facility with no loved ones to visit her alone and isolated. She just wants to be here with her grandson, and frankly if she wants to drown herself in a bathtub or a bottle of whiskey that should be her right.
I’m sorry you had to deal with such a traumatic experience.
My SO’s mom is dying of Glioblastoma.
She wanted to go to Easter sunrise service at SeaWorld Orlando this year, and it isn’t in my nature to deny a dying person their religious comfort so I took her.
The whole sermon was an excerpt from one of the early church letters where the writer was telling Christians to worry amongst themselves, and stop trying to enforce their doctrine through the courts, settle it themselves like actual Christians and by the way maybe stop fucking your mom and molesting young boys. They turned the whole sermon into “you can’t receive gods grace if you are queer trans or anything like that” for an hour.
I don’t understand how you take a ritual service about rebirth and forgiveness and twist it and pervert it to be used to wag your finger at people who aren’t likely even a part of your church in the first place which is what the fucking letter you’re reading from was saying in the first damn place.
Also interesting note, they were surprisingly quiet about the fucking your own mother thing.
Thank you for the empathy.
It’s been a long hard road, and it takes a lot for me to not instantly recoil at any hint of Christianity from people because of the physical and religious abuse.
Up until around 2016 I was on a live and let live kinda vibe, but the more I see from these folks, more I wish they were half as persecuted as they think they are.
Things are going exceedingly well for me.
I’m doing something I love, have all my needs met, and am loving the mental changes I’m seeing and experiencing, physical changes are just a nice bonus on top (though nipple pain is being a bitch).
Got a few incognito sports bras to help, and was really enjoying wearing one of those and some sweats around the house last night. Looked at myself laying down and felt really good about myself.
Told my SO how I was feeling about it and she made a good natured joke about it being like a “thunder jacket”.
I hope things are going well for you too, dearie💕