
NothingButACommodity [it/its]

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If you weren’t already aware, that’s the premise behind Mark Fisher’s Capitalist Realism.


I actually saw some datura in the wild too and thought about snagging a little for myself, though that was a couple years ago and I decided against it. (Same with amanita muscaria I’ve spotted a few times). I’m definitely curious, but also a bit wary of deliriants, especially after a diyphenhydramine trip I wouldn’t want to revisit. If you do grab a cutting, and if you then decide to do further testing on it, I think hexbear would be improved by the posting trip reports every now and then. Just a thought.

As for mushrooms, I sadly can’t speak from experience growing them, but I’ve been told it’s very easy, easier than cannabis for sure. Especially given what you’re already cultivating, it wouldn’t seem much more to add some magic spores to your growing garden.

I know, right?! Ah, the things that could be, were it not for… well, you know. The all encompassing yet decaying power structures that rule all our lives like Lovecraftian monster-gods. In a sane and just world, every community would need someone like you to do just what you’re describing doing. It would be something appreciated and celebrated, like it should be, instead of something illicit and largely condemned, as it is.


From my perspective, you’re living the dream! I’ve wanted to do something like that for a very long time. Grew my own weed for a little while (very small operation of 2 plants), but also grew salvia divinorum and just for the hell of it, morning glories. Had plans to start doing the shroom thing, maybe even peyote and see where I went from there. But life got in the way. I sure wish you success and the resulting wonderful experiences with your fairy garden. I’d imagine it’s a pretty rewarding, grounding pursuit, even if it was born out of necessity.


I hear you and I thank you for the advice. Also good luck with your own moving and finding decent work in Amerikkka and/or Latam, however that ends up working out. I’m a drug addict NEET, so prospects aren’t great for me going anywhere. Doesn’t mean I’m not grateful to people here being kind and offering ideas.


That’s awesome and thanks for the encouragement. Strangely, I think both the people I sent this to know that capitalistm is fendamentally broken, but are still of the mindset that “well, it’s the best there is.” They both despised Bush and the Iraq war, they both realized Obama wasn’t the great leader he was made out to be as he bombed kids at weddings with drones, but they still thought that Trump was a degradation of the American way, and that at it’s heart, America is “good.” I don’t know if I’ll ever shake them of that belief, but if I can make it more flimsy, I’ll consider that a win. Like you said, I want them to recognize that capitalism is the problem itself, inherently. And I’d like to think that might be possible.



Sounds like you have it worked out really well. And yeah if you’re using the latex that’s going to be way more consistent and reliable for dose than would be grinding the whole pod and/or using seeds which is usually how I’d do it. If you’re going with straight latex, I personally would just call that opium. (I didn’t have access to the pods I used while they were growing, so I couldn’t go and scar them. When I started with pods it was back during the “floral arrangements” heyday on ebay).

That’s awesome you use them only biannually. I think that’s the way to do it when it comes to recreation.


Aw, you beat me to it by a minute.
